Virtualization Adapted Adapting Business Processes for Virtual Infrastrcuture (and vice-versa)


VMware ESX setting static mac addresses

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — iben @ 15:22

1. Select a static MAC. NOTE: Static MAC addresses must be in the range of 00:50:56:00:00:00-00:50:56:3F:FF:FF to work with this procedure.
2. Remember to record the Static MAC addresses registered for future reference.
3. Unregister vm:
4. Note the datastore, vm inventory folder, and name for the vm in the summary tab
5. Power down the virtual machine
6. Right click the vm and select remove from inventory
7. Edit vmx:
8. Ssh to the esx host system (use putty)
9. cd /vmfs/volumes/
10. cd to the system’s folder
11. cp .vmx to .vmx.bak
12. vi .vmx
13. find the ethernet0 section
14. make the following changes:
15. change ethernet0.addressType = “vpx” to ethernet0.addressType = “static”
16. ethernet0.generatedAddress = “00:50:56:01.01.00” to ethernet0.address = “00:50:56:01.01.00”
17. rearrange so the following items are in this order and grouped together: ethernet0.address, ethernet0.addresstype, uuid.location, uuid.bios
18. Write the changes to the disk and exit
19. Reregister the vm:
20. In virtual center, browse to the host datastore (configuration, storage, double click on the vm’s datastore)
21. Browse to the edited .vmx file
22. Right click the .vmx file and select Add to Inventory
23. Enter the system name
24. Select the host
25. Select the resource pool
26. Click Finish
27. Power on the vm and verify the mac address
28. Windows: ipconfig /all find “Physical Address”
29. Linux: ifconfig /a grep Hwaddr


ethernet0.address = “00:50:56:88:6f:98”

ethernet0.addressType = “static”

uuid.location = “56 4d 6b b4 70 cc 85 24-59 1b 2d 24 0a 2b d7 7a”

uuid.bios = “50 08 5b 0d e1 f7 fb 8b-ba 39 74 1b 30 fc 0c 40”

Posted by Jae Ellers at Monday, January 28, 2008.

This post rocks! Helped me out of a tight bind today.

ESX versus ESXi – feature comparison – Dell Open Manage

Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , , , , , — iben @ 11:55

The following information was obtained from Dell’s web site:

Monitoring Comparison between ESX and ESXi

Systems Management
Feature Description: Inventory
Processor Information including brand, processor version, current speed, core count, model, stepping information, 64-bit support, HyperThreading (HT), Virtualization Technology (VT), Demand Based Switching (DBS), and Execute Disable (XD).
Cache information including status, level, max size, installed size, type, location, write policy, set associativity, and error correction.

ESX Classic
All of the above Inventory information is available through OpenManage Server Administrator.

Processor brand, processor version, current speed, core count, model, and stepping information is also available in IT Assistant

Only Processor brand, processor version, current speed, core count, and model available using the VI Client.

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