Virtualization Adapted Adapting Business Processes for Virtual Infrastrcuture (and vice-versa)


Application Performance Testing Method

Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — iben @ 12:46

Are certain applications running slowly occasionally? Sometimes things are superfast and then they slow to a crawl. What’s going on?

First of all – do all you can to ensure the environment is configured according to established Best Practices. One of the benefits of VMware’s acquisition of the Zimbra email / collaboration server software is that they need to ensure users optimize the deployments on their Hypervisor. This document here covers the main settings to check on a Virtual Machine that needs to perform well under load:

Any tool that uses SNMP to gather performance metrics can be used to baseline and stress test infrastructure and determine where the bottle necks are.

Basic methodology could go something like this…

1 – identify end to end system components from end user terminal through network to virtual machines, esx hosts, and storage.

2 – configure SNMP for all devices (keep in mind that the latest ESX/ESXi vSphere versions don’t have many performance counters exposed via SNMP and you’ll need to use their APIs)

3 – verify use patterns and confirm data collection over time (1 week or month). Tune alerts for normal use.

4 – schedule stress test for each component to determine performance ceiling and baseline throughput capacity.

5 – make changes as needed to improve end user experience.

6 – verify changes had desired effect.

Performance Troubleshooting for VMware vSphere

vsphere4-performance-troubleshooting.pdf (2.1 MB)

Possible tools that could be used to poll for performance metrics include:

Do you know of a tool that should be added to this list? Please send it to me.



how to reset root password on vmware esx classic

Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , , , , , — iben @ 11:15

Follow these steps if you need to reset the root password on an ESX classic.

Note: Ignore the “quote marks” in the instructions below.

1 – turn on system (if it’s on then reboot it with Ctrl-Alt-Del from console)
2 – when grub appears press the “tab” key
3 – highlight VMware ESX line using the “arrow” keys
4 – press the “e” key
5 – scroll to kernel line using the “arrow” keys
6 – press the “e” key (again, I know!)
7 – press the “end” key to move cursor to end of the kernel line
8 – type the word “single” (using the keys)
9 – press the “b” key to boot the ESX host into single user mode
10 – eventually a “sh-3.2#” root prompt will appear
11 – use the command “passwd” to reset the password
12 – use the command “reboot” to reboot the ESX machine
13 – login to the console or the vic using the new password!

That’s it! I hope this procedure works for you. Your feedback is appreciated.

Morale of this story is:
1 – always protect the physical environment where you ESX host is located.
2 – always secure the Lights Out/Remote Access/IP-KVM/console access to your host.
3 – consider using a GRUB password on your ESX host so as to prevent password resets.

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