When logging into a PanoLogic virtual desktop console for the first time…
The default display resolution was 1024×768 standard 4:3 XGA
The HP w1707 LCD monitor has a native resolution of 1680×1050@60Hz 16:10 WSXGA+
Using the pano logic control panel I was only able to set the max resolution to 1440×900@69Hz 16:10 WSXGA
List of Supported Reslutions: http://help.panologic.com/2.6/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=Introduction/Supported_Monitor_Resolutions.html
1680×1050@60Hz should be supported. Is this resolution in the drop down list? If not, it could be that the monitor does not advertise this as a supported resolution. Please contact Panologic support for more help.
Comment by Panologic — 2009/03/25 @ 14:04