Virtualization Adapted Adapting Business Processes for Virtual Infrastrcuture (and vice-versa)



Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , — iben @ 16:37
BGINFO Screen Shot

Since we’ve been setting up a lot of virtual desktops, terminal servers, and windows machines accessed remotely with RDP/MSTSC it’s easy to get confused about what desktop you’re looking at.

Download the free BGINFO tool from Microsoft’s Sysinternals web site and run this command in a batch file or other login script to set a nice back ground wall paper that tells you the IP address, host name, DHCP Server, MAC address, etc.

BgInfo v4.15 – By Bryce Cogswell – Published: March 30, 2009


:: Create a shortcut or put this line into a file named bgset.cmd and then run that during login or system configuration:
%windir%\bginfo %windir%\bginfo.bgi /silent/nolicprompt /accepteula /timer:0


VMware ESX host command line configuration script

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — iben @ 14:46

#customize esxXX by IR Date YYYYMMDD
# ESX host configuration script for
# configure as needed for esxXX by changing IP addresses below…
# configure 4 nics for nfs storage
# nic 1 and 3 – cos1, vms, vmotion
# nic 2 and 4 – vmkernel for nfs storage

#configure SYSLOG
echo “*.*” >> /etc/syslog.conf
service syslog restart

# List current config
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-nics -l
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -l

#creating virtual switches
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic1 vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic3 vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -L vmnic2 vSwitch0
#enable CDP advertise and listen mode
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -b vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -b vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -B both vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -B both vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -b vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -b vSwitch1

#creating portgroups
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “ITG-VLAN2” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “PUBLIC-VLAN4” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “VMkVMotion-VLAN209” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “VMkStorage-VLAN207” vSwitch1
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “Service Console” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “Service Console 2” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswif -a -i -n -p “Service Console 2” vswif1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -A “ESX-VLAN208” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n VMkStorage-VLAN207
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vmknic -a -i -n VMkVMotion-VLAN209
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-route -a
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswif -l
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vmknic -l

vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –nicteaming-policy=loadbalance_ip vSwitch0
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –nicteaming-policy=loadbalance_ip vSwitch1
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –failurecriteria-check-beacon 0 vSwitch0
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –failurecriteria-check-beacon 0 vSwitch1
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –securepolicy-promisc=false vSwitch0
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –securepolicy-macchange=false vSwitch0
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –securepolicy-forgedxmit=false vSwitch0
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –securepolicy-promisc=false vSwitch1
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –securepolicy-macchange=false vSwitch1
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/vswitch_setpolicy –securepolicy-forgedxmit=false vSwitch1

#configuring vlans
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -l
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 2 -p “ITG-VLAN2” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 4 -p “PUBLIC-VLAN4” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 207 -p “VMkStorage-VLAN207” vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 209 -p “VMkVMotion-VLAN209” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 208 -p “Service Console” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 208 -p “Service Console 2” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -v 208 -p “ESX-VLAN208” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -l

#delete vmnic1 from vSwitch0 (run these if necessary)
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “ITG-VLAN2” vSwitch0
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “PUBLIC-VLAN4” vSwitch0
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “VMkStorage-VLAN207” vSwitch0
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “VMkVMotion-VLAN209” vSwitch0
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “Service Console” vSwitch0
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “Service Console 2” vSwitch0
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -N vmnic1 -p “ESX-VLAN208” vSwitch0

#add vmnics to each port group
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic2 -p “ITG-VLAN2” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic2 -p “PUBLIC-VLAN4” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic1 -p “VMkStorage-VLAN207” vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic3 -p “VMkStorage-VLAN207” vSwitch1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic2 -p “VMkVMotion-VLAN209” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic2 -p “Service Console” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic2 -p “Service Console 2” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -M vmnic2 -p “ESX-VLAN208” vSwitch0
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -l

sleep 10

#setup vmotion on the first vmk network
#vmware-vim-cmd “hostsvc/vmotion/netconfig_get” (check config)
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/vmotion/vnic_set vmk1

#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-vswitch -l

vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/portgroup_set –nicorderpolicy-active=vmnic0 vSwitch0 “Service Console”
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/portgroup_set –nicorderpolicy-standby=vmnic2 vSwitch0 “Service Console”
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/portgroup_set –nicorderpolicy-active=vmnic0 vSwitch0 “Service Console 2”
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/portgroup_set –nicorderpolicy-standby=vmnic2 vSwitch0 “Service Console 2”
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/portgroup_set –nicorderpolicy-active=vmnic0 vSwitch0 “VMkVMotion-VLAN209”
vmware-vim-cmd /hostsvc/net/portgroup_set –nicorderpolicy-standby=vmnic2 vSwitch0 “VMkVMotion-VLAN209”

#adding Network Attached data store
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-nas -l
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-nas -a -o NAS1-ip -s /vol/vmw_datastore1 vmw_datastore1
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-nas -a -o NAS2-ip -s /vol/vmw_datastore2 vmw_datastore2
#/usr/sbin/esxcfg-nas -a -o NAS3-ip -s /vol/vol3_vmware_test nfs_vol_netapp
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-nas -l

#configure resolv.conf
/bin/cat /dev/null > /etc/resolv.conf
echo “nameserver ns1-ip” >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo “nameserver ns2.ip” >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo “search” >> /etc/resolv.conf
cat /etc/resolv.conf

#configure hostname
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/dns_set –dns-hostname=esxXX
vmware-vim-cmd hostsvc/net/dns_set –

#configure NTP
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-firewall -e ntpClient
/usr/sbin/ntpdate -u
chkconfig –list ntpd
chkconfig –level 35 ntpd on
chkconfig –list ntpd
echo “restrict ntp1-ip mask nomodify notrap noquery” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “server” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “restrict ntp2-ip mask nomodify notrap noquery” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “server” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “restrict ntp3-ip mask nomodify notrap noquery” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “server” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “driftfile /var/lib/ntp/drift” >> /etc/ntp.conf
echo “ntp1-ip” > /etc/ntp/step-tickers
echo “ntp2-ip” >> /etc/ntp/step-tickers
echo “ntp3-ip” >> /etc/ntp/step-tickers
service ntpd restart
hwclock –systohc

#configure SUDO

esxcfg-boot -g
esxcfg-boot -b

esxcfg-advcfg -s 32 /NFS/MaxVolumes

# make sure that NFS locks are not disabled
esxcfg-advcfg -s 0 /NFS/LockDisable

# this should already be set correctly, but just to make sure
esxcfg-advcfg -s 12 /NFS/HeartbeatFrequency

# this should also be set correctly already
esxcfg-advcfg -s 10 /NFS/HeartbeatMaxFailures

# increase the heap size. Default is 9.
esxcfg-advcfg -s 30 /Net/TcpIpHeapSize

# increase heap max. Default is 30.
esxcfg-advcfg -s 120 /Net/TcpIpHeapMax

#configure AD
/usr/sbin/esxcfg-auth –enablead – –
useradd IT1
useradd IT2
#useradd Administrator

#configure SNMP
/bin/cat /dev/null > /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “syscontact” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “syslocation Company-Location” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “rocommunity RO-String” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “trapcommunity RO-String” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “trapsink RO-String” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “dlmod SNMPESX /usr/lib/vmware/snmp/” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
echo “smuxpeer .” >> /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

#install Dell OpenManage Agent
esxcfg-firewall -o 80,tcp,out,http
tar -xvf OM_5.5.0_ManNode_A00.tar.gz
cd linux/supportscripts/
./ -b -w -r -s start
esxcfg-firewall -o 1311,tcp,in,OpenManageRequest

#test by going to

# service mgmt-vmware restart # if needed

#end of script


RunBook template

Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , , , — iben @ 14:17

This is an example of things to consider with establishing a new IT Service or being asked to work with an existing service.

Use this template planning to set up a process that they never provided before, when improving the existing process.

It is based on checklists used in the past, online sources, and personal experience.

* Functional Overview – describe the service. Include links to diagrams.
* System Overview – hardware, software, processes, staff, locations, contracts
* Requirements – tools, documents, training, knowledge, consulting
o Power – AMP Load, Correct AC voltage, UPS capacity, Correct cables, PDUs.
o Cooling – BTU, WATTS, redundancy, summer, winter, top floor, power failure.
o Space – racks
o Storage – SAN, NAS, Local, RAID, Hot Spares, Cold Spares
o Fire Suppression – Halotron extinguishers on wall, Whole room, AC interlocks
o Service contracts – Vendors, Manufacturers, Resellers
* SLA (Service Level Agreement) – uptime expectations, service availability, recoverability, functionality, describe what service does and does not do.
* Time – to design, transition, and operate service.
* Priority – resources are limited. align to business priorities
* Cost – to design, transition, and operate service.
* Plan – use PDCA Method (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
* Security – service accounts, test accounts, monitoring accounts, acls, firewall policies (source and destination with TCP/IP ports), NAT rules, passwords, hardening guides, benchmarks.
* Monitoring – expected events? what gets alerted on? use distribution lists (DLs) for alerts, escalation tree, monitor the monitoring, test
* Life cycle – version releases, updates, upgrades, tiers, change management.
* Configuration Overview – how to go about configuration items involved in the process. User tools like TripWire and RANCID See the following link for a reference:
* Training – Lab, Self Training, CBT, ServiceDesk, Power users
* Support Docs – troubleshooting, debugging, FAQ, KB, Wiki
* Disaster Recovery – backup and recovery methods, infrastructure, capabilities, security, third party solutions, media, contacts, communication
* Information Portal – Create share on a file server or wiki page with info about this service, use version control software, protect read and write access to this
* UAT (User Acceptance Test) – verify proper operation after changes, upgrades, outages. Note what should and should not work.
o Does the service do what it is supposed to?
o Does the service do what it is NOT supposed to do?
o What does it do when you use it slightly differently from its intended use (make it at least somewhat foolproof, but don’t put too much effort into it, the end user will probably crash it somehow anyway).
* Owner – responsible for successful operations
* Sponsor/vendor – financial and resource allocation
* User Group – consumer of service
* Author – tech writer, documentation guru
* Revision – last update of the document
* Glossary – list of technical terms used in the document for the service
* Links, Sources, References – list of sources (publications/interviews) used in the documentation of the service that need to be cited

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