- VMworld.com set an all time high with 21,000 unique visitors on August 30
- Over 29,000 tweets on VMworld over 5 days
- 5,670 attendees came through registration during the first 3 hours of the show on Monday August 30
- 21,643 pieces of candy consumed at the VMworld Roadside Stop (How many M&Ms in a bag?)
- 101,470 sodas and 4,852 coffees consumed over 4 days (How many beers?)
- In 1 day 4,954 granola bars, 3,500 bags trail mix consumed!
- 718 people who enjoyed the Bungee and Hamster Ball activities at the VMworld Party (I missed this fun.)
- Just under 11 miles of CAT 5 cable used for the Labs
- 13,188 attendees used the WiFi (does this mean unique MAC addresses?)
- 160 VMware spokespeople trained on ITaaS story (What are the qualifications of a “Spokesperson”?)
- Announced six products, services and two acquisitions globally (Integrien and TriCipher)
- LabCloud delivered 15,344 labs compared to 4,500 labs in 2009
- Delivered Over 21,000 lab hours
- Deployed a total of 145,097 VMs
- Every hour LabCloud was creating and destroying approximately 4,000 Virtual Machines