Virtualization Adapted Adapting Business Processes for Virtual Infrastrcuture (and vice-versa)


Run Windows 7 from your iPad

Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , , , — iben @ 08:43

Run Windows 7 Desktop from your iPad


Got (want) a new iPad but not sure how to justify it for business reasons?

Follow this recipe for a sure fire winner that will please everyone who tries it!

Low calorie, safe and secure, and surprisingly reasonable for the budget conscious coupon clippers among us.


  • 1 Handheld Device – any of these will work
    • iPad 1st or 2nd generation either wifi or 3G will be fine
    • Andriod Tablet device – tested with Dell Streak 5 on Froyo 2.2
  • 1 Bluetooth Keyboard (Optional)
  • Wyse PocketCloud App
  • Wyse PocketCloud Windows Companion application


WARNING: Be sure to read entire recipe prior to beginning work. Failure to follow directions could cause your expense report to be rejected by the finance department.

NOTE: We take a detailed bottom up approach. This is less about instant gratification but ensures your first experience is successful. Once you’ve got it working once in a POC (Proof of Concept) then adapt this recipe to fit your own environment. Contact me and I can help you get setup based on your business needs.

Configure your Windows 7 Desktop to be accessed via RDP from the Internet.

This can be done at home on a physical machine however most businesses will choose to do this with Virtual Machines hosted on VMware ESX and brokered by VMware View 4 Manager for controlled access from the Internet with RSA 2 Factor Authentication One Time Password Tokens. Be sure the ESX hosts are protected with a tool like the HyTrust Appliance (HTA).

Install the Wyse PocketCloud Windows Companion software on the Windows 7 Desktop.

Pair the bluetooth keyboard with the iPad.

Configure wireless access on the iPad.

Download the PocketCloud App on the iPad.

Use the PocketCloud App on the iPad to connect over the Internet to the Windows 7 Desktop.

Login to the Windows 7 Desktop.

Start the Wyse PocketCloud Companion software on the Windows 7 Desktop

Use the iPad as a remote thin terminal screen.

Use the bluetooth keyboard to give you a real computer like experience.

No mouse? No Problem – just use your fingers to click, double-click, right click, select, copy and paste, etc.


VMware View 4.6 released 2/24 – over 160 bugs fixed and supports  Windows 7 SP1 RC 64 bit ODBC DSN <– Windows 7 DVM Setup Guide

Get the Wyse PocketCloud App from the Apple App Store. Many companies will simply purchase a $50 Apple iTunes Gift card and have their employees expense it. Learn more from this this web site:

  • Updated: Feb 18, 2011
  • Current Version: 2.1.217
  • Support for multi-tasking (background mode)
  • Optional support for Japanese language key entry mechanism.
  • Support for physical keyboard command key mappings (copy, cut, paste)
  • Full screen mode supported for both iPhone and iPad (removal of iPhone/iPad status bar).
  • Application fully supports all device orientations.
  • When connecting at iPad native resolution, screen auto-locks for ease of use.

Wyse PocketCloud Windows Companion:

Bluetooth keyboards are pretty cheap now. Models are available from Apple, Logitech, and Micro$oft: <– #1 recommendation! Very Nice @ $100

News reports on iPad and Windows 7:


vSphere Network Isolation Addresses

Filed under: virtualization — Tags: , , , , , , — iben @ 14:45

Network Isolation Addresses

A network isolation address is an IP address that is pinged to determine if a host is isolated from the network. This address is pinged only when a host has stopped receiving heartbeats from all other hosts in the cluster. If a host can ping its network isolation address, the host is not network isolated, and the other hosts in the cluster have failed. However, if the host cannot ping its isolation address, it is likely that the host has become isolated from the network and no failover action is taken.

By default, the network isolation address is the default gateway for the host. There is only one default gateway specified, regardless of how many service console networks have been defined, so you should use the das.isolationaddress[…] advanced attribute to add isolation addresses for additional networks. For example,  das.isolationAddress2 to add an isolation address for your second network, das.isolationAddress3 for the third, up to a maximum of das.isolationAddress9 for the ninth.

When you specify additional isolation address, VMware recommends that you increase the setting for the das.failuredetectiontime advanced attribute to 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds) or greater. A node that is isolated from the network needs time to release its virtual machine’s VMFS locks if the host isolation response is to fail over the virtual machines (not to leave them powered on.) This must happen before the other nodes declare the node as failed, so that they can power on the virtual machines, without getting an error that the virtual machines are still locked by the isolated node.

For more information on VMware HA advanced attributes, see “Customizing VMware HA Behavior,” on page 26.

Sets the address to ping to determine if a host is isolated from the network. This address is pinged only when heartbeats are not received from any other host in the cluster. If not specified, the default gateway of the console network is used. This default gateway has to be a reliable address that is available, so that the host can determine if it is isolated from the network. You can specify multiple isolation addresses (up to 10) for the cluster: das.isolationaddressX, where X = 1-10. Typically you should specify one per service console. Specifying too many addresses makes isolation detection take too long and can affect VMware HA behavior.

By default, VMware HA uses the default gateway of the console network as an isolation address. This attribute specifies whether or not this default is used (true|false).


Updated Security for home network

Filed under: home — Tags: , , — iben @ 18:07

Follow these steps to upgrade your home network for improved security.

  1. Change wireless settings on ISP router to use WPA instead of WEP.
  2. Change wireless settings on laptop to use WPA instead of WEP.
  3. Setup a second wireless router on the LAN port and change wireless settings on ISP router to use WPA instead of WEP. Do not use the WAN port.
  4. Disable the DHCP server on the second wireless router.

Home Wireless Network Diagram

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